GAC Documents
Documents related to GAC meetings can be found here!
Automatic Stay Appeals
Draft legislation for 2019.
Paid Sick Leave
January 10, 2019: Kelle attended the meeting of the Albuquerque Coaltion for a Healthy Economy (ACHE) yesterday for an update on the newest proposed ordinance for paid sick leave. The finance committee will not have this on the agenda on January 14th, and an op-ed is currently being edited.
January 3, 2019: A new Paid Sick Leave bill has been introduced to ABQ City Council and sent to Finance Committee for approval (or not), then back to Council for a vote.
A new fiscal impact study can be requested by a Councilor at this meeting, which would allow more time for citizens to review.
The meeting is on Monday Jan. 14th at 5:00 PM, City Hall (exact location TBD on Friday before the meeting.)
It is pretty much the same as the ballot version, with few changes. Read it here.
Comparison of the 2 ordinances on paid sick leave. (O-17-1 and O-18-46)
APS Mill Levy
Marketing brochure
Op-ed by Mark Boitano
ABQ Journal article
Rio Grande Foundation talking points
NMREC Rule Changes
Rules effective January 1, 2019. READ MORE.
Proposed changes - Public hearing September 17th
Election Code Reform Ordinance O-18-38
Limits the ability of members to contribute to candidates. Substitute: O-18-38
Original draft was substituted on October 15, 2018. ABQ City Council will vote on the substitution on November 4th.
CABQ VRBO Resolution - R-18-49
ABQ Journal article
Resolution-Accepted with a recommendation of"Do Pass" on 08.20.18
AANM's motions passed by the GAC 08.28.18
- AANM does not support resolution R-18-49 as it send a strong signal to the millennial generation that the City is not millennial friendly, nor open for business. The millennial generation represents 25% of our population and 35% of all new jobs and their business model depends on having services available from the gig economy like ride sharing, co-working, and house sharing. Albuquerque has invested $120M in a new transportation infrastructure, $8M in new zoning infrastructure, a blooming innovation district, and has become a Mecca of new brew pubs and coffee shops - all of which lays an amazing foundation for economic growth with this demographic. Please do not support R-18-49 and its potential to kill new innovation and jobs for our city.
- Resolution R-18-49 has a serious detrimental impact to property values. AANM feels that if a task force is enacted there should be no more than 7 on the committee and also there should be a proportional representation between the industry, neighborhood leaders, and one city council member. This task force should be based on fact finding not a consensus process or voting opportunity.
- AANM will be supportive and encourage these vacation rental properties but only if they are not based on any R-1 Zoning sites. We are here to represent and assist apartment communities not the individual vacation rental property owners.
AANM sent a recommendation to Councilor Gibson to allow Gregg McMann to serve on the task force. No response was given, but it was then discovered that the task force had started meeting. Kelle emailed the Councilor on January 10, 2019 and received the following response, "They are about to have their third meeting. I don’t know the names of everyone but we do have a good group. Here are the descriptions that were called out in the res." (see resolution link above)
CABQ Uniform Housing Code Amendments aka"Vacant Building Ordinance"
Substitute version -as of 09.07.18
Proposed to the FGO Committee on August 6th - Postposed as substituted 08.20.18
Voucher Study
A new research report by the Urban Institute, which highlights, in their words, “the largest and most comprehensive” fair housing testing conducted on the issue of voucher acceptance among owners. In their analysis of the data, the Institute concludes that “searching for housing with vouchers is time-consuming and frustrating. Many searches turn up short, and many landlords do not accept vouchers.” While the full study, which was sponsored by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, will be released in September, an initial report of the findings is available now on the Institute’s website.
NAA anticipates increased media attention and calls for policy changes to result, namely making “source of income” (SOI) a protected class in state and local fair housing laws. SOI is generally defined to include housing assistance funds, effectively mandating rental housing providers’ participation in the Section 8 Voucher Program.
While the conclusions reached in the study are localized by city (Ft. Worth, Texas; Newark, N.J.; Los Angeles; Philadelphia; Washington, D.C.), NAA anticipate wider coverage on the study nationwide.
The profile of this issue will rise in many jurisdictions as the housing affordability crisis gains more public attention. It is important that all of us in the rental housing industry be prepared to engage in the debate and shut down any opportunistic narrative-building around such an emotional and complex topic.
HUD - Disparate Impact
In August, NAA launched a campaign to generate NAA member participation in a rulemaking by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), on its “Disparate Impact” rule. As the industry experts that you are, you know what is at stake. Succinctly put though, at issue for apartment owners and managers is that seemingly neutral and common business policies, such as occupancy limitations, criminal background screening and Section 8 voucher policies, among others, could trigger discrimination claims despite no intention of singling out a particular group for adverse treatment.
A grassroots alert was sent to over 40,000 NAA members allowing them to send a message directly to HUD, facilitated by our Advocacy Alert system—with total comments currently numbered at 746 so far. To demonstrate broad industry concern with the rule, NAA also requested that all AEs submit personalized letters to HUD, on letterhead.
Open comment period ended August 20th. A copy of AANM’s letter can be viewed here.