The Life of HB110
The AANM Government Affairs Committee has been advocating on your behalf with legislation to ease specific practices regarding evictions.
AANM presented HB110 in the 2018 regular session. There are two things the bill covers:
- Removal of the AUTOMATIC stay for eviction judgements
- Gives clarification to local law enforcement to expedite removal of previously evicted residents
Here is the timeline of the life of HB110.
- This bill was drafted and presented during the 2017 regular session.
- It received a unanimous due pass from House Judiciary, and there was no opposition.
- The session ended before it could get through to any other committees or to the House or Senate floor.
- AANM's Government Affairs Committee (GAC) prioritized the bill for the 2018 regular session.
- Since the 2018 regular session is budgetary, a bill like ours would require a message from the Governor.
- GAC leadership, AANM Legal Counsel, and Executive Director met with Matthew Stackpole, Assistant General Counsel to Governor Martinez. to explain our bill and request a message from the Governor.
- AANM representatives presented HB110 to the REALTORS® Association of New Mexico's (RANM) legislative committee to garner related industry support.
- Representative Baldonado agreed to sponsor the bill as he did in 2017.
- The session started as usual, and within days we received a message from the Governor that the bill was now germane.
- HB110 was assigned to the Business & Industry and House Judiciary committees.
- At the House Business & Industry committee hearing, Gene Vance, AANM Legal Counsel, was our expert witness, and provided testimony to explain the bill and provide supporting evidence to its necessity.
- Several members of the GAC and Executive Director stood up in support of the bill as well as RANM.
- The Center for Law and Poverty spoke in opposition of the bill and indicated that they had solutions for a compromise. The committee tabled the bill, and AANM and Center for Law and Poverty went into the hall to discuss solutions.
- No solutions were provided by the opposition, and in a few days, the committee chair put the bill back on the agenda.
- HB110 then advanced out of House Business & Industry with no recommendation.
- In the House Judiciary committee hearing, Mr. Vance provided expert testimony.
- After more than an hour of clarifying questions and related explanations, House Judiciary tabled HB110.
The final committee hearing was within days of the close of the session, and again we ran out time. The GAC met to strategize next steps to continue to move the initiative forward.
- Gene Vance reworded some of the language of the bill.
- Originally drafted as an amendment, our lobbyists opted to use Mr. Vance's revisions as a substitute for the bill.
- At the recommendation of our lobbyists, members of the GAC agreed to work with interim committees over the summer.
- The lobbyists are tasked with securing meetings with the Chairman of the Courts, Corrections & Justice committee and anoy other representatives that will support our bill.
- Through the work in the interim committees, our goal will be to identify any additional opposition in preparation for the 2019 regular session.
- AANM's GAC will continue to support all reasonable efforts including having a mirror bill to run in the 2019 session in the Senate.
If there are any questions, feel free to reach out to AANM staff or members of the GAC. Actions such as this show your dues dollars hard at work.